Units | Multiply | Por | To obtain its equivalent in |
Length: | Inches | 2.54 | Centimeters (cm) |
Centimeters (cm) | 0.39 | Inches | |
Meters (m) | 3.28 | Feet (ft) | |
Feet (ft) | 0.31 | Meters (m) | |
Kilometers (km) | 0.62 | Miles (mi) | |
Miles (mi) | 1.60 | Kilometers (km) | |
Weight | Libras (Lbs) | 0.45359 | Kilogram (kg) |
Kilogram (kg) | 2.20462 | Libras (Lbs) | |
Volumen | Inches Cubic (in3) | 16.387064 | Centimeters Cubic (cm3) |
Feet Cubic (ft3) | 0.028317 | Meters Cubic (m3) | |
Centimeters Cubic (cm3) | 0.06102 | Meters Cubic (m3) | |
Meters Cubic (m3) | 35.3147 | Feet Cubic (ft3) |
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1601 NW 93rd Ave. Doral, Florida 33172
+1 305.887.1955
Ave. Beni S/Elena Salvatierra #4415
(591)3 343-6001
(591) 753-76588